The American Boxing Federation has being dispossessed of its main activity
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The AMERICAN BOXING FEDERATION has claimed before the administrative courts the nullity of a ministerial By-law, according delegation for the organisation and the promotion of American boxing to the FULL-CONTACT FEDERATION.
Sports Law News : American BoxingThe AMERICAN BOXING FEDERATION being dispossessed of its main discipline, she has claimed the nullity of this ministerial by-law, transferring this sports activity to the FULL-CONTACT FEDERATION.
By a decision rendered on November 28th 2007, the Administrative Supreme Court has refused to say null the Ministerial By-law.
The Supreme Court has judged that:
• The Sports Ministry didn't commit an evident misinterpretation by considering that American boxing, from the "kick and fist boxing" family, was part of the full-contact sports discipline.
• According to article L 131-14 and L 131-17 of the Sport's code, the administrative structures of the full-contact federation are sufficient to welcome and organize American boxing,
• The delegation extension procedure of the full-contact federation complied with article 17 of the July 16th 1984 Act, now codified under article L 131-14 of the Sport's Code.
• The contested regulation didn't infringe the European principle of freedom to provide service, the American Boxing Federation still being able to organise for her licensees this activity's practise.
The American Boxing Federation has therefore being dispossessed of its main activity.
RéférenceConseil d'Etat - Sous-sections 2 et 7 réunies - n° 299650. Cet article n'engage que son auteur.
VIBERT Olivier
Avocat Associé
PARIS (75)
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